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Improve Your Healthcare Equipment Utilisation with UWB Management Solutions

Jan,16,2024 << Return list

Scarce resources need efficient allocation and be deployed at the right place, at the right time.

In 1576, Richard Edwardes coined the phrase, “Waste not, want not.” In other words, if you use what you have efficiently, you’ll have what you need. Ironically, he wrote this in his literary work, A Paradise of Dainty Devices.

By deploying Shuangqingshu Positioning’s healthcare UWB solutions to track and manage your medical equipment, you gain real-time visibility into the status and location of your assets, allowing you to identify and redeploy underutilised resources and reduce the need for additional equipment to be purchased.

• Optimise your asset utilisation
• Ensure complete visibility of vital equipment at all times
• Reduce costs through loss prevention and measures for asset protection

Healthcare UWB Helps Optimise Medical Equipment Utilisation

Quickly identify shortages of critical equipment as well as pinpoint the location of available or underutilised equipment within your hospital. Help staff to quickly find equipment vital for their work and delivery of high-quality care.

Comprehensive data enables better decision making for allocation and redistribution of existing equipment and acts as a fundamental insight for future investments.

Improve Visibility into Every Piece of Healthcare Equipment

Complete asset visibility through healthcare UWB allows you to avoid operational inefficiencies caused by lost or missing medical equipment. By maintaining asset location in real-time through UWB, you can track and manage your devices more efficiently, easily execute service maintenance when required, and maximise their availability.

Reduce Costs Through UWB Asset Protection

Unfortunately, equipment regularly goes missing. According to a 2018 ESPAUR Report, £216 million is spent each year replacing lost equipment in the NHS (data provided by Redpoint, need link), and besides the cost, causing shortages in the delivery of care.

UWB asset management solutions allow you to define zones and to be notified immediately if your tagged equipment leaves its assigned area. You can also track the asset in real-time while it’s still on-site to prevent loss and theft.

The Shuangqingshu Advantage

Shuangqingshu offers a patented ultra-wideband (UWB) asset management solution that connects your entire indoor workplace. Ideal for dense environments like hospitals or other medical facilities, Shuangqingshu’s UWB solution precisely tracks your healthcare equipment with unrivalled accuracy thanks to our true low-latency real-time location system (RTLS).

Shuangqingshu’s fully-customisable asset management solution solves many of today’s most daunting visibility challenges in the hospital. Redpoint’s patented technology can be embedded into each device of the solution and connected to the integrated software creating unparalleled insights into your medical equipment inventory. This is one of the market’s most sophisticated and accurate healthcare asset tracking system.

• Locate assets in real-time
• Create virtual zones and programmable alerts
• Quickly identify missing, lost or stolen devices
• Improve equipment utilisation and efficiency
• Reduce the number of derelict or neglected assets